Hi and welcome to our RMB Belly Ringer Series! Our twentieth interview is with Miss. Chiara!
We were honored to have Miss. Chiara participate in our December photoshoot! She tried on fantastic jewelry from our updated vendors. This inspiring interview of Miss. Chiara will tell you more of what was it is like to get her belly pierced, how she took care of the piercing, after care, and the confidence you will have about yourself

- Who inspired you to pierce your belly?
“It is kind of rebellious but my Mom inspired me to piece my belly. She said that I couldn’t get a belly piercing when I turned 16. I got it, and hid it for a while. I didn’t tell until I was 18 so that’s what inspired me to get my piercing.”
2. Did it hurt when you were getting your belly pierced?
“No. For some reason, my pain tolerance is really high. So when it comes to piercings and tattoos, it really didn’t hurt that much. Just a pinch. Nothing crazy.”
3. How was the aftercare?
“The aftercare was good. I knew a lot of people who had problems with their piercing but for me, I haven’t gotten it infected. I used the alcohol solution to help disinfect the piercing. “

4. What are the best aspects of wearing a belly ring?
“The best aspects about it are the various belly jewelry. It goes with outfits, give you that extra spunk. I just find it very attractive. Belly rings are attractive!”
5. To anyone who wants to pierce their belly, what would you tell them?
“I say do it! Young, old, skinny, big, just do it. You will look good! I feel like it helps with body empowerment. You’re free to have piercings on you, and you are free to do whatever you want with your body. So, I say do it!”
Thank you Miss. Chiara for this inspiring interview!
For More of Miss. Chiara:
Facebook: @dope_chi
Instagram: @dope_chi
Twitter: @dope_chi
Ring My Belly – Embellish Your Belly With Jewelry